Buyer's Guide

Appliance Plus
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5 signs it's time for a new dishwasher!


One of the most important factors in clean, germ-free dishes is hot, soapy water. If you’re removing your dishes from the washer in a timely manner post-cycle and they aren’t coming out warm and steamy, your dishes won't be properly clean or dry. The problem may be due to a mechanical issue which can be expensive to get repaired or replaced, so it might be better to get a new machine.



Once in a while, take a white paper towel and wipe the floor underneath the dishwasher. If you come up with flakes of rust, that means water is leaking and getting into places it shouldn’t! It also means you want to get a new dishwasher sooner rather than later.



If the latch doesn’t close properly and securely, the washer won’t run. A simple latch repair may be in order or, more seriously, this could be a sign that the machine has warped from leakage. In that case, a replacement

is necessary.



Once your cycle has completed, can you see a pool of water in the bottom of your dishwasher? If the answer is yes, then you should do some investigating as it could be a problem with the drain.

First, check to see whether bits of food, etc. are blocking the drain (or, hire a plumber to check), therefore stopping the water from filtering out after the cycle is complete. If you don’t see anything, it could be that the drain itself has cracked or even crumbled, and the whole unit may need replacing.



If your dishwasher is more than 10 years old, an upgrade to an Energy Star model pretty much pays for itself. Having a more energy-efficient machine means that the dishwasher uses far less water each cycle, cleans more effectively, and — bonus! — is much quieter than your current unit.

If your dishwasher isn't getting the job done, talk to our friendly expert team today to find the best dishwasher solution for your space, needs, and budget. We can help!