Buyer's Guide

Appliance Plus
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Coffee Machines

Café style coffee at home!

No matter what type of coffee you enjoy, the most important thing is that it’s a good one! This is where a home coffee machine comes in.

Here's a quick breakdown of the two most popular coffee machines available and their key benefits, to help you decide which one best suits you.


These machines are simple to use. Just insert the coffee capsule (aka pod), press a button and your espresso is ready in less than two minutes. If you prefer your coffee with milk, some come with a built-in milk frother, while others require you to buy one separately.


- Very simple and convenient to use

- Many flavours of coffee available

- Require very little cleaning up

- Usually have a small benchtop footprint

capsule coffee machine


These machines let you experiment and get more hands-on with your coffee. They require some pre- knowledge, and practice, of coffee-making techniques such as grinding, dosing and tamping.


- Increased depth of flavour from using freshly ground coffee

- The satisfaction of making your own cup of coffee the way you like it

- More stylish and spruce up a plain kitchen


Choosing the right coffee machine to get the perfect brew can be difficult. Talk to our team today for the right advice and to find the best solution for you. We can help!