Buyer's Guide

Appliance Plus
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Beat the humidity this summer!

Kiwi homes often experience warm and muggy conditions throughout summer. Things can be unpleasant when it's warm however, when you add humidity to the mix it can feel rather oppressive - restless nights and feeling uncomfortable in your own home is far from ideal!


To enjoy a comfortable indoor climate, you need more than just a comfortable temperature. Precise adjustment of both the humidity level and ventilation in a room is also important, but until now this has not been available in most conventional air conditioners.

With our range of Panasonic and Mitsubishi Electric air conditioners, instead of simply using the cooling mode, you can reduce humidity and increase your comfort at the push of a button.


- Improved comfort levels for less dehumidification helps you to feel more comfortable without drastically reducing the temperature setting on your air conditioner (which means it’s more energy efficient too).

- Breathe easyDehumidification helps to keep indoor air at a reasonable humidity level, which helps everyone to breathe easier.

- Everything is fresher! A less humid environment in your home means clothing will dry faster, and even loaves of bread and cereals will stay fresher for longer.

PLUS LOTS MORE! Talk to us today to find out more and get year-round comfort in your home today!